1 ) …………… are already in use for the treatment of sewage and solid waste.
A ) Molasses technique
B ) Ferment technique
C ) Microbial techniques
Ans C ) Microbial techniques
2 ) All are true about Golden Rice except:
A ) A gene synthesizing the vitamin A (Beta carotene) has been introduced in this variety of rice.
B ) It was developed in 2005
C ) As compared to normal rice it contains 23 times more amount of beta carotene
D ) It is 3 times more golden in color then normal rice.
Ans D ) It is 3 times more golden in color then normal rice.
3 ) All the following organs can be donated except
A ) Intestines
B ) Liver
C ) Heart
D ) Eyes
Ans A ) Intestines
4 ) …………… can absorb uranium and arsenic.
A ) Shoe flower
B ) Sunflower
C ) Jasmine
Ans B ) Sunflower
5 ) Organ donation and transplantation is under the control of …………… act.
A ) Transplantation human organs act
B ) Act of organ donation
C ) Conditions for transplantation
D ) Law for organ donation
Ans A ) Transplantation human organs act
6 ) …………… is study of cells.
A ) Immunology
B ) Oncology
C ) Cytology
D ) Zoology
Ans C ) Cytology
7 ) Upper layer of the soil essential in agriculture is formed due to ……………
A ) Fertilizer formation
B ) Humus formation
C ) Particulate formation
Ans B ) Humus formation
8 ) …………… is technology based on biology.
B ) Biochemistry
C ) Physiology
D ) Biotechnology
Ans D ) Biotechnology
9 ) What is special about BT Brinjal
A ) Developed by the gene isolated from Bacillus auringiensis
B ) It produces toxin which is fatal for bollworms
C ) It is named after Benjamin Thime
D ) None of the above
Ans B ) It produces toxin which is fatal for bollworms
10 ) Genetically modified variety of ……………. can absorb selenium from soil.
A ) Indian mustard
B ) Bt crops
C ) GM crop
Ans A ) Indian mustard
11 ) Bacteria used as biofertilizer
A ) Rhizobium
B ) Azotobacter
C ) Nostoc
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
12 ) Name Uses of human body after death
A ) For organ and body donation.
B ) For research in medical studies.
C ) Both 1 and 2
D ) Human body has no use after death
Ans C ) Both 1 and 2
13 ) White biotechnology includes producing various …………… expensive processes.
A ) Biochemicals
B ) Natural chemicals
C ) Chemicals
Ans C ) Chemicals
14 ) Stem Cells are …………… type of cells present in the body of multicellular organism.
A ) Special
B ) Unhealthy
C ) Modern
D ) Small
Ans A ) Special
15 )Answer from the statement A and B
i. Pseudomonas bacteria a. Used to absorb the radiations from radioactive debris
ii. Pteris vitata b. Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants from soil, and water.
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans c. Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
iv. Sunflower d. Can absorb selenium from soil
v. Indian mustard e. Can absorb uranium and arsenic
A )
i. Pseudomonas bacteria Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants
ii. Pteris vitata Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans Used to absorb the radiations from
iv. Sunflower Can absorb uranium and arsenic
v. Indian mustard Can absorb selenium from soil
B )
i. Pseudomonas bacteria Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
ii. Pteris vitata Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans Can absorb uranium and arsenic
iv. Sunflower Used to absorb the radiations from
v. Indian mustard Can absorb selenium from soil
A )
i. Pseudomonas bacteria Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants
ii. Pteris vitata Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans Used to absorb the radiations from
iv. Sunflower Can absorb uranium and arsenic
v. Indian mustard Can absorb selenium from soil
16 ) Which of the following is true about BT cotton
A ) A gene had been isolated from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and integrated with the gene of cotton.
B ) It produces toxin which is fatal for bollworms
C ) It is genetically Modified Crop
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
17 ) …………… is the process of using worms to decompose organic food waste, turning the waste into a nutrient-rich material capable of supplying necessary nutrients to help sustain plant growth.
A ) Vermiculture
B ) Apiculture
C ) Sericulture
Ans A ) Vermiculture
18 ) …………… are sometimes known as ‘ecosystem engineers’ because they significantly modify the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil profile.
A ) Bees
B ) Birds
C ) Silkworms
D ) Earthworms
Ans D ) Earthworms
19 ) Pick the odd option out.
A ) Cytology
B ) Molecular biology
C ) Transplantation
D ) Genetic engineering
Ans C ) Transplantation
20 ) Therapeutic cloning Stem cells can be derived from the cell formed in laboratory by the union of somatic cell nucleus with the enucleated egg cell and used for treatment of various diseases. This is called as ……………
A ) Therapeutic cloning
B ) Ultra cloning
C ) Coloning
Ans A ) Therapeutic cloning
21 ) Operation Flood is the program behind the ……………
A ) Green revolution
B ) White revolution
C ) Blue revolution
Ans B ) White revolution
22 ) Production of various useful aquatic organisms with the help of water is called as ……………
A ) Blue revolution
B ) Green revolution
C ) Aqua revolution
Ans A ) Blue revolution
23 ) …………… involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures such as fish ponds, usually for food.
A ) Ornithon culture
B ) Sericulture
C ) Pisciculture
D ) Aquaculture
Ans C ) Pisciculture
24 ) India has a have a great tradition of …………… that cures the diseases with the help of natural sources.
A ) Yajurveda
B ) Ayurveda
C ) Samaveda
D ) Atharvaveda
Ans B ) Ayurveda
25 ) Which of the following is true about edible vaccines :
A ) Currently potatoes are used to make edible vaccines
B ) These potatoes are called as transgenic potatoes.
C ) Consumption of these raw potatoes generates the immunity against cholera and the disease caused due to E. coli
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
26 ) …………… is the complete loss of brain function including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life
A ) Hearth death
B ) Neurolysis
C ) Brain death
D ) Cardiac arrest
Ans C ) Brain death
27 ) A living person can donate one kidney, skin from certain parts of body , bone marrow whereas organs like liver, heart, eyes can be donated after …………… only.
A ) Inspection
B ) Justification
C ) Adulthood
D ) Death
Ans D ) Death
28 ) …………… are an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism which is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
A ) Brain cells
B ) Stem cells
C ) Root cells
D ) Liver cells
Ans B ) Stem cells
29 ) Organs like liver, heart, eyes can be donated after death only. This has lead to the emergence of concepts like ……………donation of body and organs.
A ) Prehumous
B ) Posthumous
C ) Predeath
D ) Medical
Ans B ) Posthumous
30 ) Genetically modified plants are all except;
A ) Golden Rice
B ) BT cotton
C ) BT brinjal
D ) Basmati rice
Ans D ) Basmati rice
31 ) Which of the following is true about vaccines produced with the help of biotechnology
A ) They are more thermostable
B ) They remain active for longer duration
C ) Vaccines of polio, hepatitis are developed using biotechnology
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
32 ) ……………. a form of pesticide based on micro-organisms or natural products.
A ) Insecticides
B ) Biopesticides
C ) Fertilizers
Ans B ) Biopesticides
33 ) …………… includes complete ban on chemical fertilizers and pesticides and use of local, sturdy varieties and thereby maintaining natural balance.
A ) Inorganic farming
B ) Agriculture
C ) Organic farming
Ans C ) Organic farming
34 ) Active ingredient present in adulsa plant is …………… in the leaves.
A ) Oricinol
B ) Fatty oils
C ) Vasicine
D ) Glycols
Ans C ) Vasicine
35 ) Use of biotechnology: A ) Developing High-class varieties of crops through the technique of tissue-culture.
B ) Production of antibiotics and vaccines, etc. with the help of specific cells.
C ) Production of human growth hormone with the help of genetically modified bacteria.
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
36 ) Heart can be donated.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
37 ) …………… is known as the father of white revolution.
A ) Dr. Verghese Kurien
B ) Dr. Salim Ali
C ) Dr. Norman
Ans A ) Dr. Verghese Kurien
38 ) Biotechnology harnesses cellular and …………… processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet.
A ) Chemical
B ) Physical
C ) Natural
D ) Biomolecular
Ans D ) Biomolecular
39 ) …………… is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans.
A ) Vermiculture
B ) Apiculture
C ) Sericulture
Ans B ) Apiculture
40 ) The fern Pteris vitata can absorb the …………… from the soil.
A ) Lead
B ) Magnesium
C ) Arsenic
D ) Calcium
Ans C ) Arsenic
41 ) Dr. Norman Borlaug and …………… have valuable contribution in green revolution.
A ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
B ) Dr. Chakravarti
C ) Dr. Homi Baba
Ans A ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
42 ) …………… is a process of growing any aquatic animals and selling them for commercial purposes.
A ) Bird culture
B ) Aquaculture
C ) Pisiculture
Ans B ) Aquaculture
43 ) Grasses like alfalfa, clover and rye are used in ……………
A ) Dye generation
B ) Phyto-remediation
C ) Fermentation
Ans B ) Phyto-remediation
44 ) …………… different types of cells in human body are formed from single type cells i.e. embryonic stem cells.
A ) 200
B ) 320
C ) 220
D ) 240
Ans C ) 220
45 ) What does the following diagram infers:-
A ) Types of cells
B ) Cell division
C ) Cell replication
D ) Stem cell therapy
Ans D ) Stem cell therapy
46 ) Which is plant used as biofertilizer
A ) Azotobacter
B ) Nostoc
C ) Azolla
D ) All of the above
Ans C ) Azolla
47 ) Availability of …………… is an important requirement in organ transplantation.
A ) Donor
B ) Receiver
C ) Instruments
D ) Blood
Ans A ) Donor
48 ) Various methods applied for harvesting maximum yield from minimum land are collectively called as …………….
A ) Blue revolution
B ) Green revolution
C ) White revolution
Ans B ) Green revolution
49 ) …………… are manmade soil enhancers used to raise the level of nutrients found in soil.
A ) Natural fertilizers
B ) Manure
C ) Inorganic fertilizers
Ans C ) Inorganic fertilizers
50 ) Branch of biotechnology:
A ) Cytology
B ) Genetic engineering
C ) Molecular biology
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
51 ) It is easy to collect the honey without destroying the hive and bees, if …………… are used.
A ) Artificial bee boxes
B ) Hives
C ) Steel cages Ans A ) Artificial bee boxes
52 ) Pick the odd option out.
A ) Eyes
B ) Kidney
C ) Uterus
D ) Bone marrow
Ans C ) Uterus
53 ) Patients classified as …………… can have their organs surgically removed for organ donation.
A ) Brain dead
B ) Ill dead
C ) Infected dead
D ) Heart dead
Ans A ) Brain dead
54 ) The …………… bacteria are useful for cleaning the hydrocarbon and oil pollutants from soil and water.
A ) Green
B ) Pseudomonas
C ) Chlorilla
D ) Amoeba
Ans B ) Pseudomonas
55 ) Alcohol production from sugar molasses with the help of transgenic yeast is the example of ……………
A ) Pure biotechnology
B ) White biotechnology
C ) Biochemistry
Ans B ) White biotechnology
56 ) The cell is derived from Latin world which means ……………
A ) Small room
B ) Large room
C ) Compartment
D ) Cellular
Ans A ) Small room
57 ) In soil-less farming i.e. hydroponics …………… fertilizers are used.
A ) Liquid chemical
B ) Solid chemical
C ) Gaseous chemical
Ans A ) Liquid chemical
58 ) Fruits are …………… agro-produce.
A ) Imperishable
B ) Insignificant
C ) Beneficial
D ) Perishable
Ans D ) Perishable
59 ) Adulsa is an example of …………… plant.
A ) Fruit plant
B ) Vegetable
C ) Medicinal plant
D ) Shrub
Ans C ) Medicinal plant
60 ) …………… is the water equivalent of the green revolution.
A ) Red revolution
B ) Aqua revolution
C ) Blue Revolution
Ans C ) Blue Revolution
61 ) Oldest /earliest use of biotechnology was done for ……………
A ) Enzyme biotechnology
B ) Marine biotechnology
C ) Food biotechnology
Ans C ) Food biotechnology
62 ) …………… is a rating system describing the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a fertilizer.
A ) NPK rating
B ) CPS rating
C ) NNaPK rating
Ans A ) NPK rating
63 ) DDT, malathion, chloropyriphos are examples of ……………
A ) Fertilizers
B ) Composts
C ) Insecticides
Ans C ) Insecticides
64 ) The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is highly …………… resistant organism.
A ) Radiation
B ) Fungus
C ) Virus
Ans A ) Radiation
65 ) The …………… is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms.
A ) Organ
B ) Tissue
C ) System
D ) Cell
Ans D ) Cell
66 ) The Anand pattern experiment at Amul, a single cooperative dairy, was the engine behind the success of the ……………
A ) White revolution
B ) Green revolution
C ) Blue revolution
Ans A ) White revolution
67 ) Microbes are useful on large scale while production of …………… by treatment on solid organic waste material.
A ) Compost
B ) Vermicompost
C ) Alcohol
Ans A ) Compost
Best MCQ On Topic-8 Cell Biology & Biotechnology. 10th Science And Technology part-2.
2 ) All are true about Golden Rice except:
1 ) …………… are already in use for the treatment of sewage and solid waste.
A ) Molasses technique
B ) Ferment technique
C ) Microbial techniques
Ans C ) Microbial techniques
A ) A gene synthesizing the vitamin A (Beta carotene) has been introduced in this variety of rice.
B ) It was developed in 2005
C ) As compared to normal rice it contains 23 times more amount of beta carotene
D ) It is 3 times more golden in color then normal rice.
Ans D ) It is 3 times more golden in color then normal rice.
3 ) All the following organs can be donated except
A ) Intestines
B ) Liver
C ) Heart
D ) Eyes
Ans A ) Intestines
4 ) …………… can absorb uranium and arsenic.
A ) Shoe flower
B ) Sunflower
C ) Jasmine
Ans B ) Sunflower
5 ) Organ donation and transplantation is under the control of …………… act.
A ) Transplantation human organs act
B ) Act of organ donation
C ) Conditions for transplantation
D ) Law for organ donation
Ans A ) Transplantation human organs act
6 ) …………… is study of cells.
A ) Immunology
B ) Oncology
C ) Cytology
D ) Zoology
Ans C ) Cytology
7 ) Upper layer of the soil essential in agriculture is formed due to ……………
A ) Fertilizer formation
B ) Humus formation
C ) Particulate formation
Ans B ) Humus formation
8 ) …………… is technology based on biology.
B ) Biochemistry
C ) Physiology
D ) Biotechnology
Ans D ) Biotechnology
9 ) What is special about BT Brinjal
A ) Developed by the gene isolated from Bacillus auringiensis
B ) It produces toxin which is fatal for bollworms
C ) It is named after Benjamin Thime
D ) None of the above
Ans B ) It produces toxin which is fatal for bollworms
10 ) Genetically modified variety of ……………. can absorb selenium from soil.
A ) Indian mustard
B ) Bt crops
C ) GM crop
Ans A ) Indian mustard
11 ) Bacteria used as biofertilizer
A ) Rhizobium
B ) Azotobacter
C ) Nostoc
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
12 ) Name Uses of human body after death
A ) For organ and body donation.
B ) For research in medical studies.
C ) Both 1 and 2
D ) Human body has no use after death
Ans C ) Both 1 and 2
13 ) White biotechnology includes producing various …………… expensive processes.
A ) Biochemicals
B ) Natural chemicals
C ) Chemicals
Ans C ) Chemicals
14 ) Stem Cells are …………… type of cells present in the body of multicellular organism.
A ) Special
B ) Unhealthy
C ) Modern
D ) Small
Ans A ) Special
15 )Answer from the statement A and B
i. Pseudomonas bacteria a. Used to absorb the radiations from radioactive debris
ii. Pteris vitata b. Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants from soil, and water.
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans c. Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
iv. Sunflower d. Can absorb selenium from soil
v. Indian mustard e. Can absorb uranium and arsenic
A )
i. Pseudomonas bacteria Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants
ii. Pteris vitata Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans Used to absorb the radiations from
iv. Sunflower Can absorb uranium and arsenic
v. Indian mustard Can absorb selenium from soil
B )
i. Pseudomonas bacteria Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
ii. Pteris vitata Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans Can absorb uranium and arsenic
iv. Sunflower Used to absorb the radiations from
v. Indian mustard Can absorb selenium from soil
A )
i. Pseudomonas bacteria Cleaning the hydrocarbon & oil pollutants
ii. Pteris vitata Can absorb the arsenic from the soil
iii. Deinococcus radiodurans Used to absorb the radiations from
iv. Sunflower Can absorb uranium and arsenic
v. Indian mustard Can absorb selenium from soil
16 ) Which of the following is true about BT cotton
A ) A gene had been isolated from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and integrated with the gene of cotton.
B ) It produces toxin which is fatal for bollworms
C ) It is genetically Modified Crop
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
17 ) …………… is the process of using worms to decompose organic food waste, turning the waste into a nutrient-rich material capable of supplying necessary nutrients to help sustain plant growth.
A ) Vermiculture
B ) Apiculture
C ) Sericulture
Ans A ) Vermiculture
18 ) …………… are sometimes known as ‘ecosystem engineers’ because they significantly modify the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil profile.
A ) Bees
B ) Birds
C ) Silkworms
D ) Earthworms
Ans D ) Earthworms
19 ) Pick the odd option out.
A ) Cytology
B ) Molecular biology
C ) Transplantation
D ) Genetic engineering
Ans C ) Transplantation
20 ) Therapeutic cloning Stem cells can be derived from the cell formed in laboratory by the union of somatic cell nucleus with the enucleated egg cell and used for treatment of various diseases. This is called as ……………
A ) Therapeutic cloning
B ) Ultra cloning
C ) Coloning
Ans A ) Therapeutic cloning
21 ) Operation Flood is the program behind the ……………
A ) Green revolution
B ) White revolution
C ) Blue revolution
Ans B ) White revolution
22 ) Production of various useful aquatic organisms with the help of water is called as ……………
A ) Blue revolution
B ) Green revolution
C ) Aqua revolution
Ans A ) Blue revolution
23 ) …………… involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures such as fish ponds, usually for food.
A ) Ornithon culture
B ) Sericulture
C ) Pisciculture
D ) Aquaculture
Ans C ) Pisciculture
24 ) India has a have a great tradition of …………… that cures the diseases with the help of natural sources.
A ) Yajurveda
B ) Ayurveda
C ) Samaveda
D ) Atharvaveda
Ans B ) Ayurveda
25 ) Which of the following is true about edible vaccines :
A ) Currently potatoes are used to make edible vaccines
B ) These potatoes are called as transgenic potatoes.
C ) Consumption of these raw potatoes generates the immunity against cholera and the disease caused due to E. coli
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
26 ) …………… is the complete loss of brain function including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life
A ) Hearth death
B ) Neurolysis
C ) Brain death
D ) Cardiac arrest
Ans C ) Brain death
27 ) A living person can donate one kidney, skin from certain parts of body , bone marrow whereas organs like liver, heart, eyes can be donated after …………… only.
A ) Inspection
B ) Justification
C ) Adulthood
D ) Death
Ans D ) Death
28 ) …………… are an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism which is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
A ) Brain cells
B ) Stem cells
C ) Root cells
D ) Liver cells
Ans B ) Stem cells
29 ) Organs like liver, heart, eyes can be donated after death only. This has lead to the emergence of concepts like ……………donation of body and organs.
A ) Prehumous
B ) Posthumous
C ) Predeath
D ) Medical
Ans B ) Posthumous
30 ) Genetically modified plants are all except;
A ) Golden Rice
B ) BT cotton
C ) BT brinjal
D ) Basmati rice
Ans D ) Basmati rice
31 ) Which of the following is true about vaccines produced with the help of biotechnology
A ) They are more thermostable
B ) They remain active for longer duration
C ) Vaccines of polio, hepatitis are developed using biotechnology
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
32 ) ……………. a form of pesticide based on micro-organisms or natural products.
A ) Insecticides
B ) Biopesticides
C ) Fertilizers
Ans B ) Biopesticides
33 ) …………… includes complete ban on chemical fertilizers and pesticides and use of local, sturdy varieties and thereby maintaining natural balance.
A ) Inorganic farming
B ) Agriculture
C ) Organic farming
Ans C ) Organic farming
34 ) Active ingredient present in adulsa plant is …………… in the leaves.
A ) Oricinol
B ) Fatty oils
C ) Vasicine
D ) Glycols
Ans C ) Vasicine
35 ) Use of biotechnology: A ) Developing High-class varieties of crops through the technique of tissue-culture.
B ) Production of antibiotics and vaccines, etc. with the help of specific cells.
C ) Production of human growth hormone with the help of genetically modified bacteria.
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
36 ) Heart can be donated.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
37 ) …………… is known as the father of white revolution.
A ) Dr. Verghese Kurien
B ) Dr. Salim Ali
C ) Dr. Norman
Ans A ) Dr. Verghese Kurien
38 ) Biotechnology harnesses cellular and …………… processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet.
A ) Chemical
B ) Physical
C ) Natural
D ) Biomolecular
Ans D ) Biomolecular
39 ) …………… is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans.
A ) Vermiculture
B ) Apiculture
C ) Sericulture
Ans B ) Apiculture
40 ) The fern Pteris vitata can absorb the …………… from the soil.
A ) Lead
B ) Magnesium
C ) Arsenic
D ) Calcium
Ans C ) Arsenic
41 ) Dr. Norman Borlaug and …………… have valuable contribution in green revolution.
A ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
B ) Dr. Chakravarti
C ) Dr. Homi Baba
Ans A ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
42 ) …………… is a process of growing any aquatic animals and selling them for commercial purposes.
A ) Bird culture
B ) Aquaculture
C ) Pisiculture
Ans B ) Aquaculture
43 ) Grasses like alfalfa, clover and rye are used in ……………
A ) Dye generation
B ) Phyto-remediation
C ) Fermentation
Ans B ) Phyto-remediation
44 ) …………… different types of cells in human body are formed from single type cells i.e. embryonic stem cells.
A ) 200
B ) 320
C ) 220
D ) 240
Ans C ) 220
45 ) What does the following diagram infers:-
A ) Types of cells
B ) Cell division
C ) Cell replication
D ) Stem cell therapy
Ans D ) Stem cell therapy
46 ) Which is plant used as biofertilizer
A ) Azotobacter
B ) Nostoc
C ) Azolla
D ) All of the above
Ans C ) Azolla
47 ) Availability of …………… is an important requirement in organ transplantation.
A ) Donor
B ) Receiver
C ) Instruments
D ) Blood
Ans A ) Donor
48 ) Various methods applied for harvesting maximum yield from minimum land are collectively called as …………….
A ) Blue revolution
B ) Green revolution
C ) White revolution
Ans B ) Green revolution
49 ) …………… are manmade soil enhancers used to raise the level of nutrients found in soil.
A ) Natural fertilizers
B ) Manure
C ) Inorganic fertilizers
Ans C ) Inorganic fertilizers
50 ) Branch of biotechnology:
A ) Cytology
B ) Genetic engineering
C ) Molecular biology
D ) All of the above
Ans D ) All of the above
51 ) It is easy to collect the honey without destroying the hive and bees, if …………… are used.
A ) Artificial bee boxes
B ) Hives
C ) Steel cages Ans A ) Artificial bee boxes
52 ) Pick the odd option out.
A ) Eyes
B ) Kidney
C ) Uterus
D ) Bone marrow
Ans C ) Uterus
53 ) Patients classified as …………… can have their organs surgically removed for organ donation.
A ) Brain dead
B ) Ill dead
C ) Infected dead
D ) Heart dead
Ans A ) Brain dead
54 ) The …………… bacteria are useful for cleaning the hydrocarbon and oil pollutants from soil and water.
A ) Green
B ) Pseudomonas
C ) Chlorilla
D ) Amoeba
Ans B ) Pseudomonas
55 ) Alcohol production from sugar molasses with the help of transgenic yeast is the example of ……………
A ) Pure biotechnology
B ) White biotechnology
C ) Biochemistry
Ans B ) White biotechnology
56 ) The cell is derived from Latin world which means ……………
A ) Small room
B ) Large room
C ) Compartment
D ) Cellular
Ans A ) Small room
57 ) In soil-less farming i.e. hydroponics …………… fertilizers are used.
A ) Liquid chemical
B ) Solid chemical
C ) Gaseous chemical
Ans A ) Liquid chemical
58 ) Fruits are …………… agro-produce.
A ) Imperishable
B ) Insignificant
C ) Beneficial
D ) Perishable
Ans D ) Perishable
59 ) Adulsa is an example of …………… plant.
A ) Fruit plant
B ) Vegetable
C ) Medicinal plant
D ) Shrub
Ans C ) Medicinal plant
60 ) …………… is the water equivalent of the green revolution.
A ) Red revolution
B ) Aqua revolution
C ) Blue Revolution
Ans C ) Blue Revolution
61 ) Oldest /earliest use of biotechnology was done for ……………
A ) Enzyme biotechnology
B ) Marine biotechnology
C ) Food biotechnology
Ans C ) Food biotechnology
62 ) …………… is a rating system describing the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a fertilizer.
A ) NPK rating
B ) CPS rating
C ) NNaPK rating
Ans A ) NPK rating
63 ) DDT, malathion, chloropyriphos are examples of ……………
A ) Fertilizers
B ) Composts
C ) Insecticides
Ans C ) Insecticides
64 ) The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is highly …………… resistant organism.
A ) Radiation
B ) Fungus
C ) Virus
Ans A ) Radiation
65 ) The …………… is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms.
A ) Organ
B ) Tissue
C ) System
D ) Cell
Ans D ) Cell
66 ) The Anand pattern experiment at Amul, a single cooperative dairy, was the engine behind the success of the ……………
A ) White revolution
B ) Green revolution
C ) Blue revolution
Ans A ) White revolution
67 ) Microbes are useful on large scale while production of …………… by treatment on solid organic waste material.
A ) Compost
B ) Vermicompost
C ) Alcohol
Ans A ) Compost
Best MCQ On Topic-8 Cell Biology & Biotechnology. 10th Science And Technology part-2.