1) …………………..are found in soil, fresh water and sea water.
A ) Protozao B ) Bacteria C ) Fungi
Ans A ) Protozao
2) Robert Harding Whittaker was an American ecologist.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
3 ) Complexity of cell structure was one of the criteria for Whittaker five kingdom classification.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
4) Photosynthesis in algae is carried out with the help of.
A ) Chloroplasts
B ) Cilia
C ) Flagella
D ) Sporangiophores
Ans A ) Chloroplasts
5 ) Most of the algae are multicellular and visible to the naked eye.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans B ) True
6 ) Which of the following is a group of eukaryotic, multicellular organisms having cell wall?
A ) Monera B ) Protista C ) Animalia D ) Fungi
Ans D ) Fungi
7) Example of fungi A ) Penicillium
B ) Volvox
C ) Coccus
Ans A ) Penicillium
8 ) Salmonella typhi is a type of a bacteria.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans B ) True
9 ) Candida is an example of Algae.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans A ) False
10 ) Eukaryotic : Protozoa : : Prokaryotic : ……………
A ) Bacteria
B ) Algae
C ) Fungi
Ans A ) Bacteria
11 ) Classify the following kingdom as Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes – Kingdom Protista
A ) Kingdom Protista – Eukaryotes
B ) Kingdom Protista – Prokaryotes
Ans A ) Kingdom Protista – Eukaryotes
12 ) are the organisms at the edge of living and non-living.
A ) Protozoans
B ) Viruses
C ) Algae
D ) Bacteria
Ans B ) Viruses
13 )
A |
B |
a. Bacillus |
ii. |
b. Coccus |
c. Spirillum |
A ) i – b, ii – c.
B ) i – a, ii – b
Ans A ) i – b, ii – c.
14 ) Fungi are unicellular and multicellular.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans B ) True
15 ) Carl Linnaeus divided the living world into two kingdoms.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
16 ) Who am I ?
Small rod-like microbe in curd.
A ) Staphylococcus bacteria
B ) Lactobacilli bacteria
Ans B ) Lactobacilli bacteria
17 ) Fungi are classified as decomposers based on their life style.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans A ) False
18 ) Fermentation of milk is carried out by
A ) Streptococci B ) Lactobacilli C ) Plasmodium D ) Mycobacterium
Ans B ) Lactobacilli
19 ) Who am I ? Unicellular and contain chloroplast.
A ) Paramoecium
B ) Euglena
Ans B ) Euglena
20 ) causes amoebiasis.
A ) Entamoeba histolytica
B ) Plasmodium C ) Paramoecium D ) Influenza virus
Ans A ) Entamoeba histolytica
21 ) Organisms that feed upon decaying organic matter.
A ) Protista B ) Fungi C ) Algae
Ans B ) Fungi
22 ) Saprotrophic in nature
A ) Bacteria
B ) Fungi
C ) Algae
Ans B ) Fungi
26) Organisms in kingdom Monera may be autotrophic or heterotrophic.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
27 ) Viruses have long molecules of
A ) Only DNA
B ) Only RNA
C ) Both DNA or RNA
D ) Either DNA or RNA
Ans D ) Either DNA or RNA
28 ) First invented Binomial system of nomenclature.
A ) Whittaker
B ) Carl Linnaeus
Ans B ) Carl Linnaeus
29 ) Are prokaryotic with cell wall but with absence of nucleus and cell organelles.
A ) Algae
B ) Bacteria
C ) Protozoa
Ans B ) Bacteria
30 ) Classify the following kingdom as Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes – Kingdom Fungi
A ) Kingdom Fungi – Eukaryotes
B ) Kingdom Fungi – Prokaryotes Ans A ) Kingdom Fungi – Eukaryotes 28 ) are aquatic.
A ) Protozao
B ) Algae
C ) Fungi
Ans B ) Algae
31 ) Non-green, eukaryotic, heterotrophic organism are …………….. .
A ) Algae
B ) Bacteria
C ) Fungi
Ans C ) Fungi
32 ) All types of bacteria are included in the kingdom Protista.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans B ) False
33 ) Eukaryotes are further divided into unicellular and multicellular.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
34 ) Asexual reproduction in bread mold occurs by
A ) Rhizoids B ) Hypha C ) Spores
D ) Sporangiophore
Ans C ) Spores
35 ) Divided living organisms into 4 kingdom.
A ) Carl Linnaeus
B ) Kopland
C ) Whittaker
Ans B ) Kopland
36 ) found in the form of independent particles.
A ) Protozao
B ) Bacteria
C ) Virus
Ans C ) Virus
37 ) Identify the virus that cause diseases in living things – Plant
A ) Picorna
B ) Tobacco mosaic
C ) Bacteriophage
Ans B ) Tobacco mosaic
38 ) are found on decaying organic matter and dead bodies of plants and animals.
A ) Protozao B ) Bacteria C ) Fungi
Ans C ) Fungi
39 ) Viruses survive only in living plant or animal.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
40 ) Which of the following is known as Baker’s yeast?
A ) Aspergillus
B ) Paramoecium
C ) Clostridium
D ) Saccharomyces
Ans D ) Saccharomyces
41 ) Divided living organisms into 5 kingdom.
A ) Carl Linnaeus
B ) Kopland
C ) Whittaker
Ans C ) Whittaker
42 ) The process of dividing living organisms into groups and subgroups.
A ) Biological Classification
B ) Physiological Classification
Ans A ) Biological Classification
43 ) Complex sugar that makes the fungal cell wall.
A ) Citin
B ) Chitin
C ) Keratin
Ans B ) Chitin
44 ) Great variation is seen in cell structure, organs of locomotion and modes of nutrition among protozoans.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
45 ) During conversion of milk into curd, is produced.
A ) Lactic acid
B ) Hydrochloric acid
C ) Sulphuric acid
D ) Acetic acid
Ans A ) Lactic acid
46 ) Lactobacilli are shaped bacteria.
A ) Comma B ) Spiral C ) Bacillus D ) Vibrio
Ans C ) Bacillus
47 ) Protista are single celled organisms with well-defined nucleus.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
48 ) Viruses cause many diseases to plants and animals.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
49 ) Bacteria : Kingdom Monera : : Protozoa : ……………
A ) Kingdom Protista
B ) Kingdom Fungi
Ans A ) Kingdom Protista
50 ) Animals show heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
51 ) Identify the virus that cause diseases in living things – Bacteria
A ) Influenza
C ) Bacteriophage
Ans C ) Bacteriophage
52) Identify the virus that cause diseases in living things – Human
A ) Picorna
B ) Wilt
C ) Polio
Ans C ) Polio
53 ) Who am I ?
Have hair like cilia for locomotion.
A ) Amoeba
B ) Paramoecium
Ans B ) Paramoecium
53 ) Classify the following kingdom as Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes – Kingdom Monera
A ) Kingdom Monera – Eukaryotes
B ) Kingdom Monera – Prokaryotes
Ans B ) Kingdom Monera – Prokaryotes
54 ) Who am I ?
Use pseudopodia for engulfing food and locomotion.
A ) Euglena
B ) Amoeba
Ans B ) Amoeba
55 ) Kopland : four kingdom classification : five kingdom classification.
A ) Carl Linnaeus
B ) Whittaker
Ans B ) Whittaker
56 ) Algae can carry out photosynthesis.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans A ) True
57 ) Reproduce by simple binary fission
A ) Bacteria
B ) Fungi
C ) Amoeba
Ans A ) Bacteria
58 ) Volvox belongs to kingdom Monera.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans A ) False
59 ) Bread mold is a type of
A ) Bacteria
B ) Fungi C ) Protist D ) Algae
Ans B ) Fungi
60 ) National Institute of Virology is located in Mumbai.
A ) True
B ) False
Ans B ) False
61 ) Found on the stale bread.
A ) Mucor
B ) Moss
Ans A ) Mucor
62 ) Groups and subgroups were created considering the similarities and differences among the living organisms.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans B ) True
63 ) Kingdom Monera : Unicellular : Multicellular
A ) Kingdom Protista
B ) Kingdom Fungi
Ans B ) Kingdom Fungi
64) Identify the virus that cause diseases in living things – Cattle
A ) Wilt
B ) Picorna
C ) Influenza
Ans B ) Picorna
65 ) Living organisms are divided into Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes as per Whittaker.
A ) False
B ) True
Ans B ) True
66) Mode of nutrition in fungi.
A ) Autotrophic B ) Heterotrophic C ) Saprophytic
Ans C ) Saprophytic
67) absorb their food from decaying organic matter.
A ) Autotrophs B ) Saprotrophs C ) Heterotrophs
Ans B ) Saprotrophs